Provide bindings to JS date.
type t;
let valueOf: t => float;
Returns the primitive value of this date, equivalent to getTime.
let make: unit => t;
Returns a date representing the current time.
let fromFloat: float => t;
let fromString: string => t;
let makeWithYM: (~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => t;
let makeWithYMD: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => t;
let makeWithYMDH: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, unit) => t;
let makeWithYMDHM: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit) => t;
let makeWithYMDHMS: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => t;
let utcWithYM: (~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => float;
let utcWithYMD: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float;
let utcWithYMDH: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, unit) => float;
let utcWithYMDHM: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit) => float;
let utcWithYMDHMS: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float;
let now: unit => float;
Returns the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch.
let parse: string => t;
let parseAsFloat: string => float;
Returns NaN if passed invalid date string.
let getDate: t => float;
let getDay: t => float;
Returns the day of the month (1-31).
let getFullYear: t => float;
let getHours: t => float;
let getMilliseconds: t => float;
let getMinutes: t => float;
let getMonth: t => float;
Returns the month (0-11).
let getSeconds: t => float;
let getTime: t => float;
Returns the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch.
let getTimezoneOffset: t => float;
let getUTCDate: t => float;
let getUTCDay: t => float;
Returns the day of the month (1-31).
let getUTCFullYear: t => float;
let getUTCHours: t => float;
let getUTCMilliseconds: t => float;
let getUTCMinutes: t => float;
let getUTCMonth: t => float;
Returns the month (0-11).
let getUTCSeconds: t => float;
let getYear: t => float;
let setDate: (t, float) => float;
let setFullYear: (t, float) => float;
let setFullYearM: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => float;
let setFullYearMD: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float;
let setHours: (t, float) => float;
let setHoursM: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit) => float;
let setHoursMS: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float;
let setHoursMSMs: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float;
let setMilliseconds: (t, float) => float;
let setMinutes: (t, float) => float;
let setMinutesS: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float;
let setMinutesSMs: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float;
let setMonth: (t, float) => float;
let setMonthD: (t, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float;
let setSeconds: (t, float) => float;
let setSecondsMs: (t, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float;
let setTime: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCDate: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCFullYear: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCFullYearM: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCFullYearMD: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCHours: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCHoursM: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCHoursMS: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCHoursMSMs: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCMilliseconds: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCMinutes: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCMinutesS: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCMinutesSMs: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCMonth: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCMonthD: (t, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCSeconds: (t, float) => float;
let setUTCSecondsMs: (t, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float;
let setUTCTime: (t, float) => float;
let setYear: (t, float) => float;
let toDateString: t => string;
let toGMTString: t => string;
let toISOString: t => string;
let toJSON: t => string;
let toJSONUnsafe: t => string;
let toLocaleDateString: t => string;
let toLocaleString: t => string;
let toLocaleTimeString: t => string;
let toString: t => string;
let toTimeString: t => string;
let toUTCString: t => string;